Life goes on as well as on B&B. I am in the bath a lot and I am blond.My health plan is going well. If you are interested I will tell you what it is.
The Bold and The Beautiful is airing in England. I have been to England to do Upstairs Downstairs for BAFTA. Don finished his work in Romania and came to England, so we flew back home together. We had a wonderful time together in England.
By the way, I love sushi. Do you?
Take care!
Before I get to my point, Lesley-Anne, allow me to first say that you are truly one of the most alluring actresses [or women, in generally] whom I have ever beheld.
That said: allow me to be the first [or one of them] to submit a spoiler about the Eric Forrester heart-attack/poisoning story line:
Owen didn't do it with the bottle of gin. Stephanie's sister PAM poisoned Eric with those bloody lemon bars that she was feeding him every day. Motive: her own twisted retaliation for Eric having dumped Stephanie and followed through with marrying Donna. {I figured that they would have figured out by now how warped that psycho -PAM- truly is by now. Guess not.}
Hi there, I found your blog via Google while searching for first aid for a heart attack and your post looks very interesting for me.
Good afternoon
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