Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Bold and The Beautiful

Hi everyone! Another year almost gone. Living in Malibu has been quite difficult. We were evacuated the last fires, but we refused to leave. Don and Jack had hoses ready! George charged around reporting every fire truck that went by. Eventually we were ok. Thank God.
Life goes on as well as on B&B. I am in the bath a lot and I am blond.My health plan is going well. If you are interested I will tell you what it is.
The Bold and The Beautiful is airing in England. I have been to England to do Upstairs Downstairs for BAFTA. Don finished his work in Romania and came to England, so we flew back home together. We had a wonderful time together in England.
By the way, I love sushi. Do you?
Take care!


T.Gregory said...

Before I get to my point, Lesley-Anne, allow me to first say that you are truly one of the most alluring actresses [or women, in generally] whom I have ever beheld.

That said: allow me to be the first [or one of them] to submit a spoiler about the Eric Forrester heart-attack/poisoning story line:

Owen didn't do it with the bottle of gin. Stephanie's sister PAM poisoned Eric with those bloody lemon bars that she was feeding him every day. Motive: her own twisted retaliation for Eric having dumped Stephanie and followed through with marrying Donna. {I figured that they would have figured out by now how warped that psycho -PAM- truly is by now. Guess not.}

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